Wednesday 3 February 2021

Know About How to Increase Sperm Count

jan soochna portal 

If you are one of those men who live their lives and never bother about fertility, how to increase sperm count or semen volume, think twice! Do you know that current medical reports indicate some 40% of world's fertility problems have been attributed to the male population? How do you deal with the situation when it's time for you to settle down, build a family and you find out you just can't...reproduce?

A good approach on how to increase sperm count and combat infertility is to incorporate a few positive lifestyle changes. Excessive alcohol consumption, use of recreational drugs and smoking must be avoided as much as possible. Hot baths or saunas must also be avoided as they expose the testes to prolonged heat. It is common knowledge that heat inhibits sperm production. You must also eat healthy and try to perform moderate exercises regularly.